Warehousing and storage are in the recent days transformed into an integral necessity rather than additional service requirement. By recognizing this importance, Bell & John Shipping Co. possess a spacious warehouses in United Arab Emirates and Kuwait with all security provisions for storage. Our both facilities include dry storage, temperature-controlled storage and open yard storage to store fast-moving consumer goods, industrial equipment, food and beverages, lubricants, oil & gas equipment, machineries and automobiles. The facilities have various storage options like racking, bulk stacking, bins & shelving, open yard, etc. to meet the different storage needs of our clients. In addition to the facilities provided, Bell & John Shipping Co. is also providing temperature controlled storage facility for frozen foods and vegetables. In addition to the facilities provided , our facilities include temperature-controlled storage to store vegetables, fruits, pharmaceutical products, frozen and refrigerated foods which is convenient to customers who is looking for a single window logistics partner